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Français 1

French class is structured to help students gain the basic skills of the French language. Students will develop skills in: listening, reading, writing, speaking and cultural awareness.  The focus will be communication.  Participation is crucial.  Students are expected to participate actively in class.  We will explore this useful and beautiful language through presentations, videos, readings, activities, games, etc.

Although French can be a fun class, it is also an academic class and will require effort. Students are expected to spend at least 10-15 minutes a day at home finishing class work or studying notes and vocabulary.  Daily participation in class will help students learn much faster and better.  

Click on the button below to see a general outline of what we have done each week in class so far. You can also see what important papers were handed out and if there was any specific homework (may or may not count for the 10-15 minutes of studying each night).

Unité 1: Faisons connaissance


This first unit is all about meeting new people in a new language--French!  We will be learning the alphabet, numbers to 100, greeting people, asking & answering simple questions, and saying goodbye.  We will learn how to do all of this in culturally acceptable ways.  

Unité 2: Comment es-tu?


In this unit, we learn to how to describe ourselves and other people.  We will use adjectives to describe physical characteristics and personality traits.

Unité 3: Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire?


 This is one of the most important units in French 1.  This unit is all about asking and answering questions concerning what you like to do.  You will learn how to ask and answer questions like "What do you like to do?"  "Why?" "With whom?" and "How often?"

Unité 4: Ma Vie Scolaire


We will lean how to talk about school in Unit 4.  We will review how to tell time and we will learn how to say different subjects we study and objects we use each day in school.

Unité 5: Ma Famille


This is another very important unit in French 1.  We will learn how to describe our families in French.  We will also be learning about rooms in our house. We will talk about where your family likes to travel or go on vacation.

Unité 6: Au Restaurant


Let's learn how to order food at a restaraunt.  This is  a fun unit because everyone loves to go out to eat!

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